Picture This…

It is a beautiful crisp Sunday morning in October. My favorite time of the year. I get up early with my well-orchestrated plan for the day.

My plan…

Wake up early
Gratitude practice
Take a walk with my husband (he is not aware of this lol)
Then relax with my coffee and start on some projects around the house.

I am ready for it all today. Feeling accomplished before it all starts.

Sounds beautiful right!! Much self-care then some projects.

Well let me back this stories up just a little bit. I let my fourteen ½ year-old three-legged pooch out earlier. No big deal she will do her business and go lay in her bed on the back porch.

Well, this is where the story takes a turn. I am done with my meditation, setting up my yoga mat and I heard her barking and it sounded far away. So, I say to myself, better check this out before I get into my yoga practice.

Well, my old girl got herself down my stairs (it is a long way down) to the water and was laying in the muck (water level is down) And when I say muck, I mean black thick Yucky muck. She is covered, underbelly, legs, you get the idea.

Immediate reaction, WTF!!!! I had all these plans. Why does everything get ruined!!! Blah…Blah…Blah…Does that sound familiar? In the past this would have ruined my entire day.

Instead, I took a step back and instead said to myself. Ok this a great place to Pause & Pivot!!

I sat on a rock took a deep breath, and honestly had gratitude that my old girl is still with me, although I know she is getting tired. Then I carried her up the steps muck and all. So right now, we are sitting out front because she does not want to be cleaned off, so I am taking my time with her, so she does not get anxious.

This was my yoga practice today. You see there is such a thing as yoga off the mat. Maybe this is exactly what I was supposed to be doing this crisp October morning.

Spending time with my old gal Harley.

So, I am not mad my plan changed. I cherish the present moment and am enjoying what is this morning.

Long winded this morning, I know but the lesson is…. You Have a CHOICE. You can live in victimhood or in negativity or you can learn how to release those old limiting beliefs and patterns that your trauma imbedded in your body.

Embodying life is so much better! Brings joy back into your heart.

If you made it to the end thanks for listening. If you have old patterns, you would like help releasing, reach out I would love to guide you to a life of Joy.

Freedom it is amazing. Break the chains of your old Trauma at the other end is Freedom.




Book: The Body Keeps the Score


Emotions…. The NO Vacancy sign comes out